2016-05-11 22:44:44 UTC
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  • 免費且開源
  • 針對JavaScript,HTML,CSS,SCSS和PHP的代碼突出顯示。 (針對Python和Ruby的獎勵)
  • 與我上面提到的相同語言的代碼完成。
  • 內置終端或終端的插件可用。
  • SFTP / FTP遠程編輯。
  • 能夠打開目錄而不是單個文件。 (遠程和非遠程)。
  • 如果程序是IDE,則它必須是輕量級的。 (不是像Eclipse或Netbeans這樣繁重的東西。)



我認為您應該重新考慮Eclipse。它肯定比`vi`重,但是我大多數時候都運行三個實例(三個工作區),以及許多其他事情,所以並不可怕。開箱即用中沒有git / svn集成,但是兩者都有插件。
如今,誰用斷點進行調試?當然,除非您要反轉沒有源代碼的二進製文件。 :-)
“在IDE和文本編輯器之間交叉”的常用術語是“程序員的編輯器”。數十年來,流行的* nix工具(例如Emacs和Vim)都具有這種功能。
二 答案:
Andrea Lazzarotto
2016-05-12 01:01:15 UTC
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Atom is a very good text editor that covers your requirements.

  • Free and Open-Source
  • Code highlighting for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, and PHP. (Bonus for Python and Ruby)
  • Code completion for the same languages I mentioned above.

Check. Atom is open source and it includes code highlighting for the languages you mentioned. Some auto-completion features are provided through packages.

  • Either a built-in terminal, or the availability of a plugin for a terminal.

Take your pick.

  • SFTP/FTP remote editing.

I am not sure about this one, but you mentioned you are working on Ubuntu. I usually just mount the resource using File → Connect to server in Nautilus and use Atom or other editors for working on the files. If you really want it to be managed by Atom, this package seems a good place to start.

  • Ability to open a directory rather than a single file. (Both remotely and non-remotely.)

You can have one or more directories set as projects and you will see the files in the navigation pane. I often run atom . in the working directory I want to use. Here's what it looks like:

Navigation pane in Atom

  • If the program is an IDE it must be lightweight. (Not something heavy like Eclipse or Netbeans.)

Lightweight may mean different things to different people. Atom runs on Electron (based on Chromium). It is a bit slow to start and it might have issues with huge files, however I find it totally fine to work with on a system with 4 GB of RAM.

I would also be ecstatic if it could do version control and had the ability to push changes with Git.

Atom is developed by GitHub. The colors you see in the navigation pane represent the status of each file. I do not use it, but this package seems to provide nice Git functionalities with keyboard shortcuts.

實際上,我不明白您為什麼要讓Atom處理您的SSH連接。讓Nautilus做到這一點。 ;-)
我也嘗試過。 Atom抱怨說,在安裝服務器時,它無法刪除文件,無法保存任何內容。
2016-05-12 02:03:19 UTC
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Geany(發音為“ genie”)是GPL2, lightweight ,突出顯示了OP的指定語言,完成了代碼,具有內置終端(或選項卡式的插件)

FTP &目錄打開,,但有些-開發人員建議通過以下方式安裝遠程文件系統:保險絲或LUFS,其功能與FTP等相同。

版本控制( git subversion 等)可以與 GeanyVC插件 git-changebar以獲得更多 git 功能。


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