2016-04-24 15:21:12 UTC
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I'm wanting to create a website using CSS, HTML and JavaScript, and am looking for a software that will assist in detecting coding errors, e.g. missing tags and preferably have a preview screen of the markup.

The option of integrating server-side code or FTP with the IDE is not important at this stage, as I purely want to be able to create the look and feel of the website with this software.

I considered using Notepad++, but would prefer to have an editor more tailored to designing websites with these technologies.

If there are suggestions on suitable plugins or add-ons with the software, that would be good for this task would also be helpful.

I'm hoping to find something that is free, but am aware this is not always possible.

I'm using Windows 10 pro on an AMD A10-7870k with a 64bit quad core. I usually live in Visual Studio and Android Studio. I have used Dreamweaver in years gone by and tend to lean towards Netbeans over Eclipse, but have used both and am open to ideas.

我已經使用[NetBeans](https://netbeans.org/)幾年了,並且對這種環境非常滿意(將其用於HTML / PHP)。在我看來,比起Eclipse更容易上手。
@martinstoeckli是的,我有netbeans,並且剛剛對其進行了升級。請發表答案。我通常生活在Android Studio和VS中,自然更喜歡使用netbeans來代替。
四 答案:
BalinKingOfMoria Reinstate CMs
2016-04-24 21:17:33 UTC
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Adobe Brackets provides live previews of your pages and has a lot of convenient features for web developers. From their site:

enter image description here

Also, there are plugins like W3C Validation to check for errors, but I think it has built-in checking as well.

2016-04-25 06:02:35 UTC
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When it comes to a free IDE for web development, I'd suggest Eclipse For PHP Developers

It is focused around PHP but you can code HTML, CSS, and Javascript and be able to preview your changes without having to look at a browser. (Although a browser like FireFox or Chrome is necessary to see headers, DOM, and etc.)

Another great suggestion is Sublime Text. It is not exactly an IDE but it is a very powerful editor that supports just about any programming language you can name along with an extensive plugin system. It has all the capabilities of an IDE such as syntax highlighting, corrections and suggestions. You can also preview your code with a plugin called, View In Browser.

These two suggestions are free and cross-platform. Eclipse is open source while Sublime allows you to create plugins as needed.

當然是。我經常使用Sublime Text。它既簡單又強大。學習曲線少於Eclipse。它實際上僅取決於您的開發需求。兩種軟件均功能強大。
2016-04-25 11:48:33 UTC
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對於所有類型的Web開發,我選擇的是 NetBeans

我喜歡這個免費的環境,它是一個功能完善的開發IDE,非常容易上手。 (建立新專案非常簡單)。它內置了對Java,PHP,帶有HTML的HTML等語言的支持。

謝謝,是的,我已經安裝了一些netbeans插件,並且將嘗試netbeans +1
2016-04-26 00:44:18 UTC
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我建議您認真考慮 PhpED。我對選擇PHP IDE和SVN軟件包進行專業軟件開發?的回應列出了它的一些功能/優點。 PHPEd不僅僅是一個PHP編輯器。在其網站上:

PhpED是領先的PHP IDE,具有高級PHP編輯器,PHP調試器和PHP Profiler,Code Insight,數據庫客戶端,集成幫助系統,全面支持JavaScript,HTML,CSS ,XML,SMARTY,XHTML等。

它提供了預覽選項卡來呈現代碼,就像在瀏覽器中一樣。 “個人”版本(80美元)相對便宜,並提供試用版供下載。


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