Christopher Ferguson
2014-07-01 00:30:36 UTC
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我有一個Seagate驅動器(ST3400832AS 3.03),該驅動器在沒有警告的情況下嚴重損壞。醒來後發現計算機在深夜醒來並重新啟動。檢查事件日誌,發現其中充滿了NTFS錯誤。由於種種原因,我沒有此特定數據的最新備份,因此我需要用困難的方式進行備份。



  • TestDisk-檢測到舊的分區信息,然後掛起。
  • Spinrite-徒勞無功。
  • HDD Regernator-預掃描大約2-3分鐘後,驅動器變為“未就緒”狀態。
  • Seatools-真是個玩笑;所有測試均顯示該驅動器正常。



@Bobson讓我想起了幾年前的一次車禍。坐在冰塊和熱風扇上,成功恢復所有數據,同時關閉磁盤或在磁盤太冷時對其進行預熱#D // //返回主題:開始研究[data-recovery tag-wiki] (http://android.stackexchange.com/tags/data-recovery/info)在Android.SE上,也有許多有用的提示也適用於硬盤。
在Windows下(假設您正在使用NTFS)?還是可以從USB / CD / ...啟動?
@Christopher Ferguson:如果答案對您有幫助,請考慮將其標記為[接受的答案](http://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/help/accepted-answer),以便將來其他人可以更輕鬆地找到它。這也是感謝回答您問題的人所提供幫助的一種禮貌方式。
二 答案:
Andrea Lazzarotto
2016-04-18 00:44:44 UTC
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Does anyone know of a piece of software that can perform a restartable raw copy of a disk drive?

You are basically describing GNU ddrescue which can be run from a bootable Linux live CD/DVD/USB (I like SystemRescueCD quite a lot).

Cloning the drive

First, you should identify the drives you have connected to your computer with the fdisk -l command. Here is a snippet from my hard drive:

# fdisk -l /dev/sd*Disk /dev/sda: 232,9 GiB, 250059350016 bytes, 488397168 sectorsUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytesSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytesI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytesDisklabel type: dosDisk identifier: 0x8185b78cDevice     Boot  Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type/dev/sda1  *      2048    499711    497664   243M 83 Linux/dev/sda2       501758 488396799 487895042 232,7G  5 Extended/dev/sda5       501760 488396799 487895040 232,7G 83 Linux

The command shall be run as root (as you can tell from the # sign in the terminal) and I filtered on /dev/sd* to avoid showing ramdisks.

Now, assuming that I want to clone /dev/sda (the failing drive) inside /dev/sdb which is mounted as /media/user/External (the drive holding the image I am going to create), I will issue the following command (as root):

ddrescue /dev/sda /media/user/External/copy.img /media/user/External/status.log

The file /media/user/External/status.log is a log file used by the program to keep track of its progress. This way, you can interrupt the tool if you want to, then continue later.

Generally ddrescue won't be bothered by the failing hard drive. It will simply copy the good parts first, going back to the failing sectors later, trying smaller and smaller chunk sizes. This speeds up the copying process and guarantees better results.

You can use ddrescueview to get a real-time graphical representation of the cloning process.

Recovering files from the NTFS partition

Disclaimer: I am the author of RecuperaBit.

You can recover the contents of NTFS partitions using RecuperaBit. In my opinion, it is better than other open source solutions such as Testdisk and Autopsy because it gives good results even in case of heavy corruption. At least you can recover the files which are still intact and most of the directory structure.

RecuperaBit is a Python program that does not require installation. Once you have downloaded it (either via git or by downloading and extracing the ZIP file) you can run it with the following command line (pypy is suggested):

mkdir /media/user/External/recovered_filescd [full path of recuperabit]pypy main.py /media/user/External/copy.img -o /media/user/External/recovered_files -s /media/user/External/savefile.save

Once the scanning process is over, it will start to determine the geometry of any NTFS partitions it found. After that, you can run the command recoverable to see the partitions and then, to restore e.g. partition #2:

restore 2 5restore 2 -1

Where 5 means the Root directory and -1 means the Lost Files directory.

There are a few caveats you need to be aware of:

  • RecuperaBit will try to find any NTFS partition, so it could be slow as there is currently no way to set up a threshold to avoid useless results
  • NTFS compression is not supported, hence some files might not be restored
  • Any deleted file or ghost file will be restored as well, for now you cannot choose to restore only allocated files

Other programs

There are many commercial (and a few open source) programs (especially for Windows) that can deal with NTFS recovery to various extents. I have listed and compared a bunch of them in my MSc thesis and in the accompanying slides. The following table shows my test results related to the accuracy of NTFS reconstruction with respect to 4 different disk images:

Comparison of different NTFS reconstruction programs

Further explanations and notes are given in my thesis. If you'd rather use a commercial GUI program I would recommend using either Restorer Ultimate or DMDE.

@JourneymanGeek,是否`kpartx`要求分區表實際上是完整且可讀的?另外,我會說建議使用備份“不會”回答“如何執行故障驅動器的位流複製?”。 :)
@AndreaLazzarotto良好的備份信息,+ 1。 RecuperaBit是否僅適用於NTFS?而且您沒有在測試中包括PhotoRec嗎?比較表(幻燈片21?)是否僅用於目錄樹(如文件路徑和名稱)?實際恢復的文件數據在幻燈片22中-還是該幻燈片僅用於稀疏,壓縮和加密(?)文件?
@Xen2050,當前唯一的模塊是用於NTFS的,是的。但是,可以插入其他模塊(請參見底部第56頁的論文)。 Photorec執行雕刻,而不是文件系統重建,因此根本無法進行比較。 :)有關詳細信息,我建議您閱讀第8章,否則幻燈片22不會顯示“正常”文件,因為所有顯示的工具都可以恢復它們。
如果您不介意,我有幾個簡單的問題要澄清-首先,RB的“ Lost Files”文件夾是否包含孤立文件,這些文件無法放置在目錄樹中?其次,我在您的測試中註意到,按照當今的標準,您使用的驅動器相對較小-如果我沒記錯的話,最大驅動器為80GB。我要從中恢復數據的驅動器是2TB。您認為RecuperaBit將能夠在現實的時間內恢復如此大的驅動器嗎?您大概知道該時間範圍是多少?我不想只運行它就花費了一個多星期的時間。提前致謝!
@Hashim,丟失的文件是那些無法確定其父文件的文件。我已經在我自己的NTFS驅動器(500 GB)上使用RecuperaBit,並且最多花費時間來掃描磁盤(尤其是通過USB 3而不是SATA的時候)。如果找到引導扇區,則RecuperaBit無需確定分區從何處開始,因此速度更快。
2014-07-23 01:05:35 UTC
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